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RTI Software downloads

Download the latest Ocean software for your Mako, Piranha, Cobia, or RTI Scatter Probe.

  1. Ocean Next™ for Mako, Cobia, Piranha, and RTI Scatter Probe – v4.2.1.0

    Release date: 2024-09-09 Software version: v4.2.1.0

    Ocean Next 4.2 is a major new feature release of Ocean, with the major highlight that Ocean now supports the new Mako System.
    Piranha, Cobia and Scatter Probe are also supported, as with previous Ocean versions.

    New features in Ocean for Mako can be seen in the Release Highlights.
    Mako Users Manual can be downloaded here: 2024.2A Mako Users Manual.pdf

    Important information! RTI Updater, which is installed together with Ocean Next™, is incompatible with Sectra RIS. If you have Sectra RIS installed on your computer, make sure to select Custom Installation and unselect RTI Updater before continuing the installation of Ocean Next™. We are working on a solution for this issue.

    Download Ocean Next v4.2.1.0
  2. Ocean 2014™ for Cobia and Piranha

    Release date: 2020-02-19 Software version: 2020.2A

    This release will fix crashes in Ocean™ related to Access Database Engine runtimes.

    Note: if your company uses its own validated version of Ocean™, please contact your Tool Manager prior to installation of a new software version.


  3. Ocean 2014™ for Cobia and Piranha (PTB Release)

    Release date: Software version: 2017.8C

    This is the latest available PTB-certified Ocean release.



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