
X-Ray field set

The Visi-X is optimized for light field/X-ray field alignment measurements.

Simply darken the X-ray room and place your Visi-X under the X-ray tube. Adjust the light field, and make your exposure. The radiation field will immediately be visualized by the glow of the special phosphor compound. It can also be used for checking the centering of the bucky tray.

Included: transport case (dimensions: 38 x 27 x 8 cm)


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Radiation/Light field analyzer

The Visi-X measures the alignment between radiation and light field and is a proven concept in Quality Control and Service. It is a cassette-shaped instrument for checking the radiation and light field coincidence for X-ray equipment.

It can also be used for checking the centering of the bucky tray.

Instant visualization

The Visi-X is based on an after-glowing phosphorus screen. Simply darken the X-ray room and place your Visi-X under the X-ray tube. Adjust the light field, and make your exposure. The radiation field will immediately be visualized by the glow of the special phosphor compound. Misalignment down to ±1 mm will be clearly shown on the built-in scales (afterglow will last for several minutes.) No film is needed; therefore, no time is lost going back and forth to the film developer, if there is one.

Protective daylight filter

The phosphor is non-radioactive and is covered by perspex plates. A daylight filter protects the phosphor from accidental excitation from light sources. The lifetime expectancy of the phosphor is not affected by light or X-rays having an energy within the recommended range.

  1. Emission color Green
    Operating temperature 15 - 45 °C
    Dimensions 320 x 276 x 11 mm (without daylight filter)
    Equivalent cassette size 24 x 30 cm
    Weight 1.4 kg
    Other Daylight filter, magnetic lock, ruler, documentation chart
    Option Carrying case
    Field positioning inaccuracy < ±0.5 mm
    Centering inaccuracy < ±0.5 mm
    Scale range
    Circular fields 5-6 cm diameter
    Square fields 5 x 5, 10 x 10, 15 x 15 and 20 x 20 cm
    Indicated deviation ±10 mm
    Scale inaccuracy ±0.1 mm
    Recommended output 130 µGy/mAs at 100 kVp and 75 cm S.I.D.
    Usable energy range 15 - 200 keV