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Ocean Next™ for Cobia, Piranha and RTI Scatter Probe – v2.0.0.1

Release date: 2022-05-02 Software version: v2.0.0.1

This is a Major Feature release of Ocean Next.
Major changes includes (but not limited to) a completely new Test View, SQLite as database instead of Microsoft Access, integration with myRTI.

Over 100 bugfixes/changes has been included in this release.
Other quality of life features includes:

• Message-panel for news and more visible calibration reminders
• Auto-start first test in sessions
• Right-click to start ”new measurment”
• Touch-up in appearance in all wizards
• Improved auto-fill site functionality
• New CT calibrations
• New mammo calibrations
• New Export PDF functionality

Note that this version of Ocean installs per user. Ocean Next will only be available to the current
windows user that was logged in when installing Ocean.

Note: If your company uses their own validated version of Ocean Next™, please contact your Tool Manager prior to installation of a new software version.

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