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Stay happy. Ocean Next™ keeps your QA data safe. Scroll down

Forget about backing up your QA and testing.

Let Ocean Next™ and myBox do the work for you.

You’ll never cry again over a stolen laptop, spilled coffee, or hard drive crash.


Ocean Next™ 3.0

With the Ocean Next™ 3.0* update, you can connect to our new cloud service myBox.
All your Ocean Next templates and measurements will be stored ­automatically and kept safe. You will get easy access from multiple devices and can share your testdata with colleagues and won’t need to think about backing up your QA data again.

Ocean Next 3.0 also brings you new features and major enhancements, such as a more efficient and smoother workflow with faster response time, new product support features, and new digital services.

Checkbox Message panel for news Checkbox Easily visible calibration reminders Checkbox Auto-start first test in sessions Checkbox Touch-up in all wizards Checkbox Improved auto-fill site functionality Checkbox New CT and Mammo calibrations Checkbox New export PDF functionality

Check out the release highlights!

*Ocean Next requires MS Windows 10 or later.



myBox RTI cloud service

Update to Ocean Next™ 3.0 software and get our new secure cloud service* free of charge for six months!

*Create your free account on myRTI, and you’re all set for our cloud service
Free Trial option will be available in myRTI upon registration.
myRTI is hosted by Microsoft Azure.

Read more and buy Ocean Next
Secure it

Get the new secure cloud service with automatic back-up of all your Ocean data.

All your Ocean Next templates and measurements will be stored automatically and kept safe and you won't need to think about backing up.

Choose your myBox subscription
MyBox Secure Backup
Share it

Share your data any time, any place, and with selected colleagues.

With Ocean Next 3.0 and myBox, you can share your measurement data and templates with selected colleagues for a smooth and efficient workflow.

myBox - share data with colleagues
Run it

Run Ocean from multiple devices.

Synchronise Ocean Next measurements on each device with MyBox - one database across multiple devices. Sign up to our customer portal myRTI and update to Ocean Next 3.0 to get access to our new cloud service myBox.

Sign up to our customer portal myRTI
Run Ocean from any device
Customer quote

No more manual backup!

A year ago, I had a hard disk crash. As a result, I lost all the data on the disk, including my QA measurements for the hospitals I am handling. I usually backup manually, but the last backup was three months old and didn’t include the latest calibrations.

When RTI told me they were launching a new cloud service that would automatically back up all my data on their secure cloud service, I was so happy! Now I have created an account on myRTI and don’t have to worry about losing any data again. Also, I will be able to share my calibrations with my colleagues.

Medical Physicist, US