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World-leading software for X-ray QA & testing

With Ocean Next™ 4.0 software you receive all QA data – including waveforms – directly from your RTI meter or probe. You can perform anything from simple measurements to advanced analyses of X-ray equipment performance, save and retrieve your measurement values, and generate reports for documentation and traceability. Check out the 4.0 release highlights or download 4.0 here!

When you register your free myRTI account, you get access to the our customer portal (meter info & logs), plus access to RTI Support and online training. With myRTI you can track your devices used with Ocean Next™, get reminders on calibration due dates, and access your calibration certificates.

Remember, the software is compliant with all our meters – Mako, Piranha and Cobia as well as the RTI Scatter Probe.
Ocean Next requires MS Windows 10 or later.


Discover more about myRTI

Plug n Play

Start measuring within seconds! Ocean Next™ detects what instrument and probes you have connected to assist you in the best way possible – just Plug n Play.


Ocean Feature


Plan your tests in advance, create checklists, add pop-up windows with user instructions, to simplify the work for you and your co-workers using a streamlined user interface.

Ocean feature
Ocean Next™ software highlights

Customized tests and analyses

Design a template that harmonizes with your desired workflow, i.e., select measured parameters, set values, and determine sequencing for optimum efficiency.

The built-in analysis features give you instant pass/fail information as soon as the test is completed.
With a myBox account you can also share all your test data and templates with selected colleagues.

Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration!

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Template KVAcc
Ocean Next™ software highlights

Capture waveforms

Ocean Next™ captures waveforms that show the output from the X-ray unit. Zoom in to take a closer look for a more detailed analysis.

Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration!

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CT Dose Profile
Ocean Next™ software highlights

Built-in reporting

Ocean Next™ software allows you to generate reports to improve documentation and compliance.

With Advantage and Professional, you can adapt the report format depending on the recipient, e.g., a summary with pass/fail or a comprehensive report with all collected data and waveforms.

Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration!

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Report Overview
Ocean Next™ and myBox cloud server

Forget about backing up your QA and testing

Let Ocean Next™ and myBox do the work for you!
With the Ocean Next 4.0, you can also connect to our new cloud service myBox, a licensed level of myRTI where all your Ocean Next templates and measurements will be stored automatically and kept safe. You will get easy access from multiple devices and can share your testdata with colleagues and won’t need to think about backing up your QA data again.

Read more about myBox
myBox subscription RTI cloud server

Which Ocean Next™ license suits you best?

Choose from three different license levels Quick, Advantage, or Professional.

Whether you want a swift, intuitive application for routine controls, or a customized application with workflow, automatic tests, and traceability, our Ocean Next™ software offers you an array of possibilities. Still not sure? Check out the comparison grid below.

Download the brochure
Ocean Next Quick Icon

Ocean Next™ Quick

Ocean Next™ Quick detects what instrument and probes you have connected to assist you in the best way possible – just Plug n Play. The interface adapts, and all the measured parameters are displayed on one screen, including waveforms. The results can be retained in the database for later review and compiled in an auto-generated report.

Ocean Next Advantage Icon

Ocean Next™ Advantage

For more advanced, streamlined X-ray testing and QA measurements, Ocean Next™ Advantage enables the customization of templates that exactly meet your needs. In Studio View, you can design single-page templates, including analysis and checklists, and the result is also shown in reports with your own logo and layout.

Go to Ocean Next™ Advantage
Ocean Next professional Icon

Ocean Next™ Professional

A complete X-ray testing and QA system for efficiency and compliance. Ocean Next™ Professional offers trend analysis and full traceability of your measurements, including location and scheduling. Build a holistic solution for your X-ray QA, by using multi-page templates in a searchable database structured for your preventive maintenance.

Go to Ocean Next™ Professional
Compare Ocean Next™ functions Quick Advantage Professional
myRTI/myBox (Ocean Next 4.0)
Built-in display function
Save function
Basic Excel® connection
Advanced Excel® connection
User-defined tests and checklists
Analysis with pass/fail limits
CT Dose Profiler support
Single-page templates
Multi-page templates
Site database (including location, room, equipment, etc.)

RTI Ocean Next™ - world-leading software for X-ray QA & testing